When you are in to investing in stock market your first investment is PATIENCE. Money is secondary.
Secondly you must acquire technical knowledge on stock movements, price action and volumes. Without this you will land into trouble. Go with the trend and never be against it. If you do not participate in a bull run or bear trend, it is OK. But if you are 180 degrees opposite to market direction, then you will land into serious trouble.
Thirdly after investment, you must keep track of the prices and book profits as per technical levels and exit if the stock is hit by bad news Eg: PNB.
Finally, you must always keep SL and trade under any circumstances; otherwise you run the risk of losing capital.
Before making investment think twice, thrice and do not chase any stock just because you have missed the rally. This is a wrong way of picking trade which will put you in all difficulties.
My members do not grudge for not picking trade. They take positional trades and sell with profit when everyone wants to buy.
Make stock trading and your investment a trouble free affair and be happy with mild profits.
Never carry options and futures without hedging it.
Options are often misunderstood as lottery. Actually it is a hedging tool against Future contracts.
Do not hesitate to mail me in case you have trouble.