Friday 24 June 2022


 I have recommended carry over of 16000 ce of 30/6 expiry around 40 for target 125 yesterday in the first hour of trade itself. 

The screen shot is below

Thursday 23 June 2022

How to be a winner in trade

 It is very easy to write than take a trade and make it possible. But we need to understand the basic mistakes we commit while trading.

Try the following steps -

Do not trade in the fist 15 minutes and last 30 minutes. 

Focus on one or two strike prices and monitor, be it nifty or bank nifty or stock specific. 

Watch the price action and compare with last week high and low. This gives you the support and resistnce points.

Once this is done then we can plan trade at a particular level. Always keep SL and trade.

Do not show your emotions. Market is nowadays run by Algo. Operators do not sit. They just drive the market with a perfect goal in their mind,  HOW TO CHEAT RETAILERS.

We must first learn how to get away from cheating moves and take safe positions.

For those who need to learn technical and trade without fear, can contact me