Thursday 31 August 2017


Expiry day did not have much fire works but closed with a positive note. Index closed 200 points minus over previous month. There are no efforts seen to lift the index to get in to safe zone for next month. 

The roll  over in future position is also not indicating a big positive move. 

One must exercise caution in going long.  Wait for the right time to take up the position.  

Better to watch and wait for the trend to set in.


  1. Sir,
    Today market was dull and lousy and all that index movement appeared to be as just for the CE and PE premiums. Hence I am in confusion that really market is heading up.

  2. Premiums decimating happened

  3. I will post levels today after market opening. Please note and trade accordingly.

  4. Sir, As advised U observed the market for first few hours today and experienced how operators handle the options and amazed having seen with less movement in ITC counter options was priced deliberately. So at 2:20 pm I took a Nifty 9900pe @75.10 and sold within 14 minutes @78.20 and when it was 10016 again I took the same one @71.30 and holding with expected return of at least 10 points

  5. Correction: it would be "as advised I" instead of U.Thanks.


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