Tuesday 12 September 2017

MARKET TREND 13/9/2017

The upward trend continued for the second day and both Nifty and BNF closed at a 5 week high. There are chances of Nifty future  surpassing the previous high of 10149 in the next one or two trading sessions.

The global factors are very much in favor of market and there are no negative sentiments to drag the market down.

As advised earlier 10100 CE has been performing well and trail with a SL at 75 tomorrow and look for more gains.

Nifty future Support 9975 Resistance 10149.

Bank Nifty Support 24485  Resistance  24880.

Tomorrow market could be positive in the first half but there could be a dip in the market after 1.30 PM. That could be used to enter in to long position in Nifty CE.

Happy Trading!!

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1 comment:

  1. today just missed sir..... i have placed order 10100 ce at 52.... but it is not come..... enter in middle and come within 3 points profit...only panic it is my big problem....today i have good leason...already i have 10200 ce in 24.80. it is also book profit at 3 points... i am foolish traders..... i hate myself...
    thank you sir your great guide.....


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