Sunday 29 October 2017


The November expiry has more trading days and  one can  expect a high volatility in Nifty and bank Nifty. There could be swings on both sides.

Nifty has strong  support at 10100 and positional short starts from this point. On the upper side, as long as 10250 is held, higher targets are always on card.

November month could see a maximum high of 10550/600. Lower  side is possible  only if Nifty goes below 10100.  

Bank  nifty is bullish if daily close is above 25050. It is negative if it trades below 24480 on a daily close.

November month could see a high of 25366/25975/26060.  On the lower side up to 23450 is possible if 24480 if breached.

Since we saw 1000 points up move during last  week, there could be a much bigger down side target November. Be prepared and catch this big move if Bank Nifty trades around 24480.

Happy Trading!!

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