Saturday 31 March 2018


See the Chart to believe the power of technical. Raymond has obeyed the level and moved in the perfect  range.

You can see a good move in this scrip on Monday!

Wednesday 28 March 2018


Nifty trend for the next month is as below:

Nifty futures closed at 10115, 150 points above the month low and 370 points below previous month expiry close. These are very much required to know and confirm up to which level nifty cannot travel. Now we have a confirmation that nifty travel to 10385 looks difficult. Next step is to identify the resistances which it might face during upward journey. These are 10232 & 10290. On the lower side 10052 and 9960  are major support levels. 

Coming to Bank Nifty it closed at 24263, 600 points above month low of 23631 and 700 points below previous month expiry close. Since the main index Nifty has more bias towards down side, BNF will be dragged down to levels below 23500. The immediate  resistance is 24600. On the downside 24000 and 23630 are  support levels.

Be prepared for a bearish phase in April where  both Nifty and Bank Nifty will undergo more selling pressure. Bears have already dragged nifty to 4 digit level and there could be more bottom to come. 

Now to conclude, the bias towards down side is more. 

What is the likely bottom for nifty and bank nifty and where it will reverse? Information circulated to members only.

With these guidelines you will  never pick  a wrong trade. Still if you need my assistance do email me:  


The Index moved as per our expectation. Even before market opening we could identify the hurdles the index is facing and avoided intra day trade which was a prudent decision.

Yet as per our buy level, 24200PE came in to buy level at 4.50 and it rose to 30.00. Buy was recommended at 4.50.

When we wait at our price, our patience is always rewarded. Of course, no one believed that it will click. But it did.

We are ready to face the rough and tough journey of index in April. We strongly believe in our technical levels and my followers are not allowed to  make losses. They now  realize that proper guidance and respecting the levels make their trading easier.

Our motto is  safety of capital and steady progress. Those who believe in this motto please contact me on email. I will ensure you a smooth trade and good progress.  id:

I will provide the  levels for Monday in my next posting! Enjoy long week end.

Let's pick the best values  from Bhgwan Mahavir and  Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday 27 March 2018


Nifty futures opened gap up  but unable to sustain high closed at 10178.20 points above previous day. Bank Nifty also not able to go beyond 24495 closed at 24425. 

Both the index have reached a point which restricts further up move due to expiry ahead tomorrow.  The critical levels to watch are 10197 and 24443 for NF and BNF respectively.

A daily close above this number will take index to next level.

We will catch expiry trade tomorrow and the game plan is ready. Are you ready?

Monday 26 March 2018


Nifty futures indicated its move towards north direction in the morning itself and a strong up move from 11 am on wards till the close saw nifty gaining 130 points. 

As posted we were able to catch options and  still holding the  same to book a profit 100%.  

These are intermediate reversals and it is like boarding a running train and getting out while in motion.   One must be extremely careful in handling options. Any over confidence will wipe your capital in minutes.  So catch moves as and when it happens and keep  reaping gains.

Nifty saturation level 10262 BNF 24440.

Happy Trading!!

Sunday 25 March 2018


Come what may! We are making 30-40% profit on Options trade. We are totally prepared for that.
Are you ready?

Watch my blog where we will post our trade with order execution ! 

That is the power of our technical!

We do not risk ourselves in gap up and gap down situation. We will use technical to make the best returns!


Saturday 24 March 2018


If you have followed my post, you must appreciate the fact that any dip is not a buy in this market. This has been proved during last week. 

Look at the Nifty / BNF action for the month of  March so far: 

First week low        10439  /24600
Second week Low  10155 / 24085
Third week Low     10197/ 24402
Fourth week Low     9960/ 23631

I  have been writing repeatedly that 10439 will  not come again. Now 10197/155 are becoming big wall and this expiry cannot catch these numbers.

To understand the gravity of the situation, you must write it down like how I have done above. Now one gets clarity of the situation.

Now you ask question to yourself, is it a buy on dip market? That too when the trade war has just started  and Europe, Asia and African market reactions are still awaited. The must awaited Tariff increase has started with  USA  and a likely retaliation from China next week will pull the market further down. All other nations affected by the new tariff will have huge impact on the companies and markets. 


Thursday 22 March 2018


Nifty futures unable to sustain highs at 10237, tumbled down to 10100 and finally closed near day's low indicating continuation of down trend.

Intermediate trend  reversal, Fed positive decision did not give stimulus to Index and the market once again started creating low everyday in this week.

Nifty futures has a strong support at 10028. If this is broken then next support is at 9750.

And for BNF strong support seen at 23906/750. If this is broken  then we will   land up at 22850.

Looking at the trade war and tough stand by both US and China, one can expect more uncertainty which will keep  market in the fear zone.

Already  red alert was given earlier indicating worst days.

Tuesday 20 March 2018


Nifty futures today opened gap down to touch a new low for the week, 10078, and it started moving up very fast and the day never saw 10100 again. It closed at 10159 and the close looks better. 

See last week low. It was 10155. Today close is above previous week low. That is the reason it looks better. If Nifty future is able to close above 10200 then we can see 100+ points moves on the upper side.

On bank nifty futures, we can expect a good move if  we find a daily close above 24400. Till then it is bearish.

Be ready to catch the swings and trade as  index is ready to   give excellent moves.

Happy trading!!

Monday 19 March 2018


Nifty future and bank nifty futures may not be able to catch the previous week levels and any rally is a sell.  Do not get in to any long position. 

Now 10290/24600 will act as tough resistance  for NF/BNF.

Do not try to buy CEs above 24600 and float in your jackpot dreams.

Friday 16 March 2018


Do not fall prey in to the hands of crooks who say any dip is a buy. Wait for total completion of correction phase if you plan to invest long term. If you are a intra day trader, then go by levels and make good returns.

I am basically into helping investors to understand the market better technically, avoid taking wrong positions, avoid  carry over of options and ensuring decent returns on the  capital they employ to make profits.

Now the trend is not conducive as index moves all of a sudden violently. But we catch points and make smooth entry and safe exit.

Are you interested? Try it. Do email me. I am a more high alert trader than a gambler.  For me capital protection is first priority. Next is Profit - minimum or maximum.


This blog is intended to help investors to understand the level of nifty and bank nifty to make profits and go in right direction.

The support and resistance numbers are so accurate that you can make good returns if you are a disciplined trader.

For example when I say 10437   was a acting as a big wall, if you would have taken PE or sold nifty futures you would have easily made 200 points in this week. 

Cues for next week:

Nifty has not breached previous week low, but has surrendered all weekly gains and closed @ 10238, just 100 points above  10155. This is not a good sign. Now the range is 10155-10384 for this week. Breaking high or low will witness +/- 150 points. 

Bank Nifty future closed at 24635, holding the crucial support at 24600. It is a slender lead. Now the range for this week is 24400-25100.  Breaking any of these levels will witness 300 points  +/-.A

Alert: Do not go long in this market. The situation is not conducive for bulls. IT IS SELLERS' MARKET!

Thursday 15 March 2018


We could get 24800 PE at 2.00 and exit at 8.50. That was the only trade we could do with low investment and high return.

25000CE bought at 30 with a target of 46/- hit SL(25) first and then hit the target. It was a bad luck.

But one thing is that  we have been continuously able to identify jackpot on Expiry day.

My members are confident that we are technically capable to take up Positional, Intra-day and expiry trades.  They are learning technical while they earn.

Happy Trading!


Days have passed.  But trend remains the same. 10437 could not be taken out till yesterday despite a very strong gap up opening on Monday.  It is crystal clear that the gap up formed on Monday was to erode the PEs and a sell on rise by big bears.

Today still we have a chance to see whether this weekly close is above 10437. Else, this expiry could be anywhere between 10155 and 10290.

If this happens, then it indicates a further downfall below 10k. Expiry holds the key for next month move.

In Hindi there is a saying, It's a long way to Delhi. Same way it is long way to 10440.

Charts already started indicating likely downward trend. Never be long in this market. 

Tuesday 13 March 2018


Analysts say it's consolidation. Investors feel the worst is over and index is ready for another run.
But what numbers and today's  closing suggest us:
As per the footsteps of nifty still it is not ready to get rid of 10437 which was the low formed on 1.3.18.
Call writers must be protecting 10500 levels. 
If nifty again clse below 10390, then we can conclude that any rise is sell. But a weekly close above 10440 means resumption of up move.
People may differ from my view point. But I have the habit of telling bitter truth.
Today we outperformed in picking PNB 100 ce and 24800 pe both rocked.
Ye Dil maange more!!

Monday 12 March 2018


people who think that numbers are derived from sky, must see chart to believe. Nothing comes from Air. All from charts and purely derived out of technical.


Nifty futures recovered almost all the previous week loss and closed  at 10433. It was a very rare and a wonderful rally!

Bank Nifty also supported during the last hour of trade.

Our Clients were taken by surprise when we entered 10400CE at a awesome price and booked profit before BNF support came in. No regrets. What we did at that time was prudent!

Next important numbers  are 10500/650 in nifty futures. Watch these numbers.

Happy Trading!

Friday 9 March 2018


My sincere thanks to all the followers who had emailed me. I am sorry for the delay in my reply as I have received more than 150 mails.

They all say levels are rocking and they are trading with more perfection and losses are avoided.  I am delighted to see that in almost all mails.

Let's get in to our business:

Today Nifty future touched 10300 as mentioned in the morning post and took a U turn to settle at 10222.

The range for the next week is 10155-10300.  If the range gets narrowed down, then there could be a break out or break down as you are trying  to compress nifty with in 150 points range. It could be 100 points +/-.

This is how I read the market as a novel.  Interesting part is the movements are easily captured when we follow the numbers closely.

Bank Nifty also struggled to move ahead and started drifting down towards the end of the day.

Next week range of Bank nifty is 24050-24600. One can expect a break out or break down of 150 points +/-  on breaking these  numbers. Nothing more nothing less.

Now you have the guideline for next week. Sketch is ready. Make your perfect drawing with flying colors!!

Happy Trading!!

Thursday 8 March 2018


The heart was filled with Joy and the trade book was filled with money when 24400  CE was grabbed at the bottom  most level 3.55 and covered above 60/80. But it went beyond that.

I have very limited followers and they were happy to book big profits out of small investment.  There was no surprise, because they know that expiry trade always give good trade and they do not miss it.


The weekly low formation in nifty during February  1st week to 4th week was  10735,10300,10290,10439. 

March I week itself  the  low formation has breached all the above lows and formed a new low of 10155. So now all these numbers act as stiff resistance.

That is the reason I mention reaching 10437 is tough. I even suggested writing April CEs beyond 10500.

Do not get trapped in to  CEs.  Now PEs below 10000 will start eroding fast as the index management will try to float between 10155-10290/300.

Be long above 10300 and be short below 10155. DO some home work to know how much bottom is possible from 10155. Use previous months data and arrive  at bottom. 

Options trade is an art. More practice leads to perfection! It is simple to say, but simpler if you start practicing! Give it a try!!


Today nifty futures closed positive after 6 days of continuous fall. There has been a relief that the fall has been arrested. But the sad part is that we have technically lost most critical levels and now ready to form new lows and see new bottoms. That is the naked truth. 

Nifty futures has lost the support of 10290 being last month low. The next support is at 10060 which was the low formed on Dec 18th ( Gujarat Assembly election results).

Today's mild positive opening and positive close is just a relief rally. Day by day the nifty range is getting narrowed down. Last week it was 10290-650.  This week it is 10100-10330. 

You must understand that you cannot happen to see 10650 again in this month. By next week you cannot  see 10330 also if new lows are getting formed week after week.

Use relief rally to enter in to PEs and sell at 40-60% profit. 

I cannot explain the market condition better than this.  Happy Trading!!


If any one want to do trade and learn also in a strictly disciplined manner, may kindly  reach me on email. I do not entertain greedy investors.

Do email me :

You can grow rich steadily and not in a day because Rome is not built in a day.


It was a super trade when the first entry I recommended to followers at 5.00 and exit at 16.85. Next time I suggested entry at 3.55 ( low formed in the morning) and it banged. 24400 CE no one can forget now. 

Last week it was PE which gave multiple returns. This week 244000 CE.

In options trade right price of pick is rather important and you must be able to predict the direction.

A small investment of 1000 today has multiplied more than 20 times. What else you need??

We never miss any opportunity on expiry. And the market is always ready to give good trade for those who trade  with levels and discipline.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Nifty Trend

Today is the sixth consecutive day where index once again slipped more than 70 points. 
There is no respite for those who held long position in the market.  The down side is still not complete. But the market always does a pull back and again resume it's down trend.
Now the nifty range is 10150-330.
Forget 10430 which one may not be able to see till April end.
Bank nifty can shed another 2000 points easily from here.
Simple rule: Don't make any long-term investment now. Wait for more correction.

Tuesday 6 March 2018


See my posting yesterday. I have posted 10436 as maximum level for nifty future. It tested 10437 and dropped from there. 

That is the power of technical.  It will be difficult to see this number in immediate future. Bulls are seriously trapped.

If you believe  in numbers, sell April CEs  above 10500 and make good returns.

Bears rule the market now!!



Today is the 5th consecutive day of fall. Today's fall has been very tall and  significant filling the gap of yesterday opening gap down by climbing  up to 10437. It has broken the crucial support of 10290 and closed at 10248.  If it does not take support and close above 10262, then we may probably   see nifty future touching 10027.70.  

Bank nifty futures also lost its crucial support level and it may land at 23650. 

Yesterday we saw some resilience in Nifty. But today it was not visible and a total surrender and a free fall with no intention for any pull back after 2  PM. 

Index closed at the low of the day. Probably indicating some more down trend remaining for tomorrow session.

Trade with caution and Don't be long at this juncture.

Monday 5 March 2018


Nifty futures opened with a gap down as expected. After losing more than 120 points, it moved up and recovered the loss mildly and closed at 10357. The change we could observe in nifty was its resilience today. It closed above day's low and ready for a bounce back.  

Bank Nifty also did not breach the last week low of 24600 and it was a doji closing to end at 24868.

When BNF is showing some sign of recovery and negates the negativity, it is believed that Nifty will also  follow the major component and look  for upside move.

But it is capped to 10436/ 25288 in Nifty and BNF respectively.  Only a close above these numbers indicates a recovery & bullishness.  

A daily close below 10290/24750 indicates a total control of market by bears.

Trade with caution in this month and never be long or short in this market unless above numbers are crossed. 

Prudent & cautious approach leads to happy Trading!!

Woman in white is thinking. Pros and cons concept pic.

Friday 2 March 2018


Don't attempt bottom fishing in this market.  Because we do not really know the bottom. A small   trader should avoid and stay away as big sharks are ready to sink your boat.

Some one will say 10250.   Some other will say 10030.  

The low we have seen last month was 10290 and in December 10060.  If 10290 is broken, then we have chance of 10060. But this market is not a buy on dip if it breaks 10290. 


Thursday 1 March 2018


Today nifty future closed at 10442,(Previous week  close 10507) surrendered all gains made during the week.

Bank Nifty future too closed at 24870 ( previous week close (25404) and the close was very near  previous month low of 24766.

Will nifty hold 10389 being the previous expiry close  or not?  

As of now neither CE nor PE can be trusted as we are above 10430 and below 10630. Go with the trend.

We are in bearish trend with intermittent reversals. Trade with caution.

Your first investment is Patience.  Money comes next.

Today 25000PE entry at 7.00 and all targets hit.  All the  members made profit. 

We are waiting for  positional trade. Till  then we enjoy watching market.