Friday 9 March 2018


My sincere thanks to all the followers who had emailed me. I am sorry for the delay in my reply as I have received more than 150 mails.

They all say levels are rocking and they are trading with more perfection and losses are avoided.  I am delighted to see that in almost all mails.

Let's get in to our business:

Today Nifty future touched 10300 as mentioned in the morning post and took a U turn to settle at 10222.

The range for the next week is 10155-10300.  If the range gets narrowed down, then there could be a break out or break down as you are trying  to compress nifty with in 150 points range. It could be 100 points +/-.

This is how I read the market as a novel.  Interesting part is the movements are easily captured when we follow the numbers closely.

Bank Nifty also struggled to move ahead and started drifting down towards the end of the day.

Next week range of Bank nifty is 24050-24600. One can expect a break out or break down of 150 points +/-  on breaking these  numbers. Nothing more nothing less.

Now you have the guideline for next week. Sketch is ready. Make your perfect drawing with flying colors!!

Happy Trading!!

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