Thursday 30 January 2020


Nifty monthly expiry was at 12036, 90 points below previous month expiry. This could be due to the continuous bull run during the past 3 months. 

Budget may or may not bring in surprises. But we are not surprised if Nifty crawls between 11800-12100 during the next 15 days. That is what the chart says. It could be a budget or macro economic policy effect... bla.. bla... But the bottom line is Bears likely to rule the market for the next fortnight.

Use weekly swings and make good returns. Do not much bother about the direction of the market. 

Good Luck!

Wednesday 29 January 2020


Unless nifty crosses 12087, do not enter into CE. Avoid trade between 12024-12087.


Most of the people believe that the technical for stock market is separately taught in a closed door where MS Power point is used where the skills of presentation is only exhibited. The way in which they present the historical charts, explain the trend, using the technical jargon makes the participant feel very happy for the money he paid as learning fee.  

At the end of the day you will be left with some papers and advise you to pick the trade as per the guide line. 

You must know the right way of learning. 

For that you must meet the lion at its cave only.  Yes you must take up trade and use the technical instead of wasting time attending courses which makes the analysts wealthy.

If interested please do contact me as my levels and learning through online trading can enrich your skill and improve your trading strategy.


Nifty opened again gap up but not able to cross previous week close of 12180 and closed near 12126.  If Nifty closes above 12190.30 today, then only it gives a positive bias. 

We may probably see a range bound trade today also. The trend for the day is likely to be a weak opening and weakness to persist till 11.30. Later during the day, it could pick momentum. If we happen to see a close above 12191 we can see the start of the new expiry  with a positive note. 

Last 45 minutes of trade assume greater importance today with a total change in the trend. Do not get caught on the wrong side of the index. 

Keep 12100/150 CE in focus as it could give multiple returns. 

Yesterday was a great day where we did 2 successful trades. We exited from previous day carry over of 12100 Ce and again we entered 12100 CE around 37-44 and exited with decent gains. Most of the members were thrilled to see the sharp bounce back from the suggested price. One must experience to believe as it looks like a tale.

Good Luck!


This was the trade by one of the members. Best wishes to him!!!!

Tuesday 28 January 2020


Nifty has completed the weekly swing by touching a low of 12024 yesterday and looking for a reversal. I have already advised buying 12100 CE around 30-33 yesterday by 3 PM. We should be booking profits in the first hour of trade.

We will post the screen shot of our trade. I will choose the best one and post here. 

Nifty range for the day : 11980-12200.  BN 30500-31100.

Good Luck!

Friday 24 January 2020


Nifty opened with a mild gap down, but was able to hold 12170 and quickly crossed 12200 in the first hour of trade. It was unable to cross the hurdle 12247 till 1 Pm. But later part of the day saw a move up to 12272 and finally closing at 12248.

Unless a follow up buy on Monday holds 12171 and  12232, the bullishness is not confirmed. 

The recent swing of 12087-12430, places retracing level up to 12300. Anyone holding long position should book profit at 12300. A daily close above 12300 only can take nifty to new levels. 

Range for next week :  NIFTY - 12089-12367/383   BN  - 30800-31700.

Good Luck!

Thursday 23 January 2020


Please follow the blog during trading hours as I will provide nifty set up for the day after market opening,  suggest option trade.

Good Luck!


The weekly expiry closed with a negative of 175 points. During the week nifty had given a big swing of more than 300 points. And now ready for a reversal.

Next 4 sessions is likely to be interesting 

Charts are indicating index move in the north direction.

Want to catch the move with accurate levels?  Join me ..Do mail me...

Good luck!

Today we made good profit in 12200 CE 30/1 expiry. entry at 55 and exit at 75.

I have identified Options which can fetch mind blowing returns next week.

Wednesday 22 January 2020


Nifty is in a range of 12114-200.

Take 12150 Ce around 5 SL 3 Target 50-75.


Nifty opened gap up but it broke the important level 12152 after 2 hours of trade and closed near 12100.  The weakness in nifty was already known and the up move was just a distraction for the retail investors who had to unwind the PE options in the first hour. 

Going by the nifty set up on Wednesday, there are chances that Nifty may slip further down. Support is visible at 12019 where by the gap created on 9th January gets filled. This is the level where all shorts have been butchered on that day with a gap up of 125 points.

Range for the day 12000-12200.  BN 30400-31300.

Strategy : Buy next week CE when nifty reaches 12000-20.  SL 11965.  BN options - Buy next week CEs above 300 points from Wednesday's close when BN reaches 30400-450 level  SL 30300.

Good Day!

Tuesday 21 January 2020


If you are continuously making losses, not able to understand the nifty moves, not making right entry and exit then probably you do not have a clue on the numbers and the technical behind all such moves.

Normally retailers get emotional looking at gap up and gap down and gets into trade in the initial hours of trade. Then they wait for 2-3 hours for profit. By the time Nifty makes move in the opposite direction there by eating away 20-30% of premium. 

Unless you fix the daily range for the day before market begins and prepare yourself well for a profitable trade, all your emotional intra day trades chasing nifty and bank nifty will be futile. 

I find people prepared to lose money 5000-10000 everyday on trade, but not willing to take learning seriously.  

What I can assure you is
  • Provide perfect levels for the day before bell rings.
  • Provide option buy price, SL an Target well before market hours.
  • Predict the nifty set up exactly at 9.30 Am to prepare you for trade on options.
  • Provide weekly and monthly levels with exact reversal points.
  • Provide Positional trade calls - minimum 1 or 2 calls where you can make minimum doubling the investment or more than that.
  • Develop patience in you and teach you technical. 
But most of the people only want money. Money comes only when you know the right way of doing trade.  

Choice is yours.


This week So far

Nifty has opened gap and hit 12430 and reversed from there. My number was 12427 for reversal which I have mentioned in the blog earlier. 

This week we have so far seen a swing of 268 points ( 12430-12162).  The fall on Monday was a very long red candle in the chart and the follow up on Tuesday also was negative.  Nifty setup is weak.

Cues for Wednesday:

The start for Wednesday likely to be tepid, the up side is capped to 12250 where as the lower is wide open if 12152 is broken.  Bears likely to rule for the next two days and one should be careful and look for a reversal as the downside is much limited. Exact reversal levels only to members on board.

Range for the day : 12140-12251.  Bn 30700-31700.

Option trades suggested for members on board. 

Good Luck!

thiruvalluvar photo drawing க்கான பட முடிவு
கடைக்கொட்கச் செய்தக்க தாண்மை இடைக்கொட்கின்
எற்றா விழுமந் தரும்.   # 663

மு.வ : செய்யும் செயலை முடிவில் வெளிப்படும் படியாக செய்யும் தகுதியே ஆண்மையாகும், இடையில் வெளிபட்டால் நீங்காத துன்பத்தைக் கொடுக்கும்.

Thursday 16 January 2020


Expiry day trade was very dull without any big move and finally ended at 12355.  Since Wednesday Nifty has been moving in a narrow range and the up side move lacks conviction.  PEs have been butchered and if market reverses we can see PEs paying huge returns as nifty is likely to undergo a correction of minimum 300 points.

12421/27 is the point of reversal for Nifty. Be cautious on longs. A big global negative cue is likely to come during next week to initiate a fall in the market which is already indicated in the charts.

Good Luck!

Tuesday 14 January 2020


When everyone was expecting the market to clinch 12400, I said down trend today and I continue to say that the down trend likely to continue till Friday for sure.   My target 12102.  Any one to challenge?


Do not adopt buy on dips approach during the next 3 days. You will be duped by Nifty. We may probably see 12100 in this week. Be prepared to see a good correction.

Detailed analysis and trend for members on board.

Watch the levels, follow the numbers. You can identify the reversal points.

Today's reversal point was identified by me on last Friday and clearly predicted gap up for all these 4 days and a gap down on Wednesday.

You want to learn?  Join me


Nifty has been making higher highs and higher lows and forming bullish pattern. It is consolidating at higher level with no sign of correction. However, the chart indicates exhaustion and a bit of stretch in the rally. It is not prudent to chase nifty as the increase is very incremental and just last 30 minutes rally to end at higher levels.

If Nifty does not hold 12296 on a daily close basis, there could be a significant correction.

Trades will be given during the market hours after ascertaining the trend. 

As per chart, today could be  a bearish day. It has been intimated to all of you well in advance yesterday and advised to buy PE at the close of the day.

Since I have suggested 12250 PE 16/1 and 12000 PE of 30/1 I will intimate the targets for these. It could be a slide for consecutive 3 days if downside starts today.

Thursday 9 January 2020


It was a day to remember for ever, when we saw a gap up opening of around 125  points and finally closed above 12200. Now all eyes are on 12293.

Whether Nifty will cross previous high and make a new high this week? The follow up action today in buying only can confirm further move.

Unless 12293 is crossed do not be long. 

Good Luck!

Tuesday 7 January 2020


I have already advised taking 12000 PE positional yesterday.  It was a pure technical trade.  No guess work or blind game.  The buy was recommended based on the levels. 

Those interested in learning technical and picking trade can contact me. 7010419004 whatsapp... Tks


Nifty opened gap up by 70 points but could not sustain the high of 12150. It again came below 12050. Finally closed at 12053.
Both nifty and BN are on sell on rise mode.
Wednesday's pattern could be the same with nifty trying to catch 12125.
Focus on next week PE for good return as the correction could continue for  4-5 sessions.
Perfect levels, buy price and targets for members on board.
Good luck!

Monday 6 January 2020


The week opened with a big gap down and there was no respite finally nifty tanking 235 points signalling further down side. For Tuesday trade, Nifty could find difficult to sustain above 12k as the fall is huge. Yesterday's fall indicates change in the trend in January. Dips cannot be bought. It is likely that index is in sell on rise mode. I do expect the down trend to remain for few sessions before it takes cues for an up move which is capped. 

Unless nifty moves above 12152, one cannot be positive about market.  On the down side, 11885/850 offers good support failing which it could be another 300 points down from 11850. One should adopt cautious approach.

Good Luck!

Friday 3 January 2020


Nifty opened gap down  at 12261 on the last day of the week again shying away from previous high of 12293, made a high of 12265 and touched 12191 at 2.55 Pm and closed at 12225. It was a day where even PE price action was much suppressed till 3 PM.  It moved with in the price band of 12289-12195 recorded on Thursday. 

It is not worth taking position and keep waiting till end of the day to book profits on a downward move. Better to avoid trade on such days.  In options segment time element is more important than any other factor. 

Nifty and Bank Nifty are both on sell on rise mode. The next week range is as below:

Nifty 12065-12408.    Bank Nifty - 31750-33000.

A daily close below 12225/ 32320 lead to 12065/31750. If nifty is able to cross 12282/32443 then we can see 12395/33000. 

NO TRADE ZONE 12225-282    BN 32320-443.

Watch these numbers.  Trade with caution. Do not predict market. Go by the numbers and be with the trend. 

Good Luck !
thiruvalluvar photo drawing க்கான பட முடிவு

அன்புடைமை -The Possession of Love

புறத்துறுப் பெல்லாம் எவன்செய்யும் யாக்கை
அகத்துறுப்பு அன்பி லவர்க்கு.          #79
மு.வ : உடம்பின் அகத்து உறுப்பாகிய அன்பு இல்லாதவர்க்கு உடம்பின் புறத்து உறுப்புக்கள் எல்லாம் என்ன பயன் செய்யும்.

Though every outward part complete, the body's fitly framed; What good, when soul within, of love devoid, lies halt and maimed? 
Of what avail are all the external members (of the body) to those who are destitute of love, the internal member.

Thursday 2 January 2020


Nifty managed to surpass the initial hurdle of 12222 and closed above 12274 which was the week opening figure forming a thick green candle signalling readiness for a fresh high. I have clearly indicated to my members yesterday that above 12222, nifty likely to move up to 12274. That's what happened. Next halt for nifty could be anywhere between 12426-452.  Now 12158 acts as a strong support and any correction is possible only if 12158 is broken. 

Bank Nifty too has displayed the bullishness but not as strong as Nifty. 32050 is the support and SL  for BN for those who wish to be long in futures. Target for BN is 33055.

You must remember one important point. Whatever trend nifty indicates in the beginning of the month the same setup prevails till expiry.

The key numbers for nifty on the upper side is 12426. 12158 on the downside and a breakdown of 12158 leads to 11885. Be with the trend. 


Options pick suggestion for members on board.

Good Luck!
thiruvalluvar photo drawing க்கான பட முடிவு

ஊழ் - Fate

பேதைப் படுக்கும் இழவூழ் அறிவகற்றும்
ஆகலூ ழுற்றக் கடை. # 372

மு.வ : பொருள் இழந்தற்கு காரணமான ஊழ், பேதை யாக்கும். பொருள் ஆவதற்க்கு காரணமான ஊழ் அறிவைப் பெருக்கும்.

The fate that loss ordains makes wise men's wisdom foolishness; The fate that gain bestows with ampler powers will wisdom bless. 

An adverse fate produces folly, and a prosperous fate produces enlarged knowledge.


Wednesday 1 January 2020


Nifty has shied away from crossing 12293 on 30th December and closed below 12200 on the last day of the year, signalling a Doji weekly close as 12186 is also a hurdle for Nifty to cross. So far the daily close is above 12158 which is the previous top, which alone is positive. 

The January series have started with a bullish bias, but it all got blown off and the upside remains capped for the time being.
On the lower side nifty has strong support at 12023/11973. 

For tomorrow nifty range is 12125-12250.  BN 31900-32400.

Options trade suggested for members on board.

Good Luck.
thiruvalluvar photo drawing க்கான பட முடிவு

 நட்பு ஆராய்தல் - Investigation in forming Friendships

குணமும் குடிமையும் குற்றமும் குன்றா
இனனும் அறிந்தியாக்க நட்பு.   #793

மு.வ : ஒருவனுடைய குணத்தையும், குடிப்பிறப்பையும் குற்றத்தையும் குறையாத இனத்தாரின் இயல்பையும் அறிந்து அவனேடு நட்புக் கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

Temper, descent, defects, associations free From blame: know these, then let the man be friend to thee. 

Make friendship (with one) after ascertaining (his) character, birth, defects and the whole of one's relations.