Tuesday 14 January 2020


Nifty has been making higher highs and higher lows and forming bullish pattern. It is consolidating at higher level with no sign of correction. However, the chart indicates exhaustion and a bit of stretch in the rally. It is not prudent to chase nifty as the increase is very incremental and just last 30 minutes rally to end at higher levels.

If Nifty does not hold 12296 on a daily close basis, there could be a significant correction.

Trades will be given during the market hours after ascertaining the trend. 

As per chart, today could be  a bearish day. It has been intimated to all of you well in advance yesterday and advised to buy PE at the close of the day.

Since I have suggested 12250 PE 16/1 and 12000 PE of 30/1 I will intimate the targets for these. It could be a slide for consecutive 3 days if downside starts today.

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