Wednesday 22 April 2020


Nifty has touched 8920 as predicted in my earlier posting and we are waiting for the upside 9450. When we are so accurate in predicting 8920 where the low formation was 8909, we must be confident that our top 9450 also should happen. 

You should believe in yourself, if you want to be successful. If you don't believe yourself, then who else will ?

Tips for expiry trade:  If nifty is able to cross 9242 in the first 15 minutes of trade and then go below 9200, it is an indication that nifty can get in to buy mode in the afternoon. If you do not see this number by chance in the first one hour of trade, then there could be chance of close below 9187.  Be long and be bullish only if, ONLY IF nifty closes above 9242 today.

Magic number is 9242 which will make you smile when you realise the power of the same.

Range for the day  : Nifty 9073 -9267  BN  19600-20400.  

Good Luck!


I am sure that those who watched the stock option as per the suggestion given by me must have got benefited as the picks like ICICI PRU life etc ., must have given you  a pleasant surprise.

I can give you the buy level, SL and targets for the stock option which are having good liquidity and these prices are arrived well in advance and all you have to do is to keep these strike prices in your watch list and pick when my price hits.  I can assure you that you will be able to make big money.

Among the 144 Future scrips and 3 Index ( Bank Nifty, Nifty and Nifty IT), the scrips with good movement and high liquidity in options trade is only picked for the purpose of trade in stock options so that your money is not blocked in any manner.  It is only 32 scrips where you can invest and not in all 144.  

I will post the April performance on 1st May, my buy levels and the targets which I have set for these 

Those interested may please contact me on email :

Good Luck!

Sunday 19 April 2020


Nifty weekly range is likely to be 8920 to 9450. And Bank nifty weekly range is 19500-21000.

I strongly recommend the following stocks to be kept in watch list if you are interested in Stock options.

The specific Strike Price with buy level, SL and Targets are already with the members.

I have decided to make 2020 a treasure hunt for my members. With both Index options and stock options, we are going to rock!

We will post our success stories.

Good Luck!

Friday 17 April 2020


Nifty and Bank Nifty, both are in buy mode. in the Nifty 50 pack, except 3 scrips, all 47 scrips are going to support nifty. You will find next week very interesting as most of the scrips are going to contribute towards upside move for nifty.  Of course, Bank nifty is still lagging behind and few banking stocks are yet to support BN which eventually could happen after Wednesday.

Nifty range for the week 8950-9480   Bank Nifty 19500-21700.

The fire works can start from 24th April onward. Be ready for a good move. 

Month end expiry target   Nifty - 10300   BN - 24500.

Good Luck!

How are we going to reach, how to cash the move, which Strike prices are going to be beneficial - the answer for all these queries are already with my members.  

Bear in mind, nifty move in the next 8 sessions is likely to be 8900-10500 - 1600 points. Mind blowing number. 5000 Points in Bank Nifty.  

Be ready and be blessed with profits!

Good Luck!

PS: I have not been able to post messages in the blog due to my pre-occupation in training few investors on Futures and Options segment.  Hope you will get messages regularly hereafter as I am through with the training of more than 50 persons who are very confident of making big money with the knowledge and input they have received through me. 

Tuesday 7 April 2020


Nifty opened gap up 380 points  which is a record high in gap up and also made yet another record by making a high close of 710 points from previous close of 8083

It is easy to look at the records but difficult to catch the moves as the up move during the last one month has been duping the investors as it slips 100 - 200 points in minutes.  The danger of fall is always on the back of the mind as the investors have been once bitten twice shy.

This kind of rally does not confirm the buying interest among the investors as the bottom confirmation is yet to be seen.

You will get my message here when the real buying takes place and nifty reverses.  Till then you must protect your capital and not agitated by this kind of moves. 

Range for the day 8450-8960    BN 18100-19575

Good Luck!