Thursday 9 November 2017

NIFTY TREND 1011/2017

On Expiry day we could see a very high  volatility and all Put below 25300 and Calls above 25300 went worthless.  

Nifty Future closed with a premium of 53 points and Bank Nifty Future closed at 25419 with a premium of 133 points. This kind of high premiums have been unheard of in the past. Nifty is making history even in maintaining premiums..

I have mentioned in my blog day before yesterday about 10th November movement which is tricky.  Today sets the trend for next week move. Hence it is critical to see how the index closes on this week.  

Next week could see Crude oil prices increasing and  reaching US $ 68-70 /Barrel. Gold also likely to move up The index will move in the opposite direction  

Take the maximum downside levels posted yesterday in this blog on Nifty and bank nifty and trade accordingly.

Members have been holding PE and did not mind carrying in spite of a fake up move yesterday.

Happy Trading!


1 comment:

  1. Sir, In Nov.series I am going fine in NF fut. But today Infy made me fool.Thanks for your comments on high premium.I found no clue on this heavy premium.It seems bulls still in control.


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