Wednesday 1 November 2017


Both Nifty and bank Nifty are in break out mode and a strong buy. The positional buy is at 10200. It is moving towards next target 10567/735. Any close below 10300 will only is looked as negative. 

Bank Nifty Future positional buy level is at 24600 and it is moving towards 25870/975 which is the immediate target. If BNF is able to hold above 26000, then next target is 26490. BNF is negative only if it trades below 25000.

It all looks like a  fast move towards the above targets with in a couple of days.   Even the US market is also gearing up for a fast move towards its year end targets on indexes

What will happen next? When the correction starts? Or bull run likely to continue? 

We will certainly address those questions. But as of now the rally is towards 10700 and 26500. Let us enjoy the ride. DO NOT MISS THE RALLY.

If there is a trend reversal, I will be the first person to post here, as the fall will be huge.

Happy Trading.
animated horse

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