Monday 23 December 2019


No other creature has the ability of changing its color according to its environment than a chameleon, a fickle and inconstant creature of lizards family.  Now Nifty got added into the lizards family. After 7 days of gap up opening, forming higher high and higher low, making new highs day after day, it has halted its move and looking backward with all negativity.  What a swift move in changing its direction!!

Nifty opened gap down on the day 1 of expiry week, could not cross 12293, being Friday High, closed below 12272.  

Nifty outlook has changed for the expiry. If 12229 is not held today on a close basis, then the expiry could be below 12200. 

Bank Nifty held my number 32198 and took support from there yesterday. But looking at the whole trading setup, this is not the time to be long.  

I anticipate a low of 12131/110 in this week. The top level of 12293 is almost frozen. 

In short, the index is in sell on rise mode! 12229 - 12293 are deciding numbers for the directions. 

Till yesterday we preferred buy on dips by grabbing 12250 CE at 33 and exited near 50. Today we may prefer a different trade with handsome gains. 

The more in-depth analysis and trade advises for members on board!

Good Luck!
thiruvalluvar photo drawing க்கான பட முடிவு

அரண் - The Fortification

சிறுகாப்பிற் பேரிடத்த தாகி உறுபகை
ஊக்கம் அழிப்ப தரண்.  # 744

மு.வ : காக்க வேண்டிய இடம் சிறியதாய், மற்ற இடம் பெரிய பரப்புள்ளதாய், தன்னை எதிர்த்துவந்த பகைவரிருடைய ஊக்கத்தை அழிக்க வல்லது அரண் ஆகும்.

A fort must need but slight defence, yet ample be, Defying all the foeman's energy. 

A fort is that which has an extensive space within, but only small places to be guarded, and such as can destroy the courage of besieging foes. 

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