Wednesday 9 October 2019


If you want to do expiry trade, then you must know the foot steps of nifty for the week.

On Monday it opened gap up at 11190, higher than last week close of 11174. It is positive.

On Wednesday, it came down to 11090 bu respected the retracement of 61% - 11060.  Positive.

On 9th October, it closed above 200 DMA with a handsome daily gain seen after 23rd September 2019.  Positive.

It has closed above 11158 which was last week low.  Positive

Now you must judge where it is heading.  One cannot be bearish for at least 2-3 sessions.  Nifty is heading for 11400/480 levels.  For the time being the bottom is done.

You can read my yesterday's message clearly indicating reversal around 11050-70 levels which has happened.

Option trade has been circulated to members on board for the day.

Good Luck to everyone!  Have a Good Day!

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