Saturday 30 November 2019


Nifty 50 scrips closed with positive note on 29th November 2019, tow-third of the scrips bullish and one third are bearish. The bias continues to remain positive. 

First week of December is likely to be bearish where you can see profit booking and buy on dips are the strategies adopted.  

Nifty recorded a low of 11867 on 18th November 2019, and there after it never looked back. The next higher low is 11883 on 22nd November 2019. The next higher low was 11919 on 25th November 2019. These three bottom numbers assume extreme significance and likely to protect Nifty unless any major event happens. The weekly average levels are hovering above this number. Therefore, 11867-883 is the strongest base where nifty should bounce back if it reaches that level.

You can continue your bullish bets as the nifty may continue its northward move after a brief correction or consolidation.  

You will find the screen shot of the best trades of December posted in blog with the permission of my members. 

Good Luck!

Friday 29 November 2019


Nifty and Bank Nifty cooled off after making new highs on the expiry day. The December expiry started with a negative note. Day started with a mild negative and the loss got extended up to 135 points during the day touching 12017. The last 30 minutes recovery saw nifty above 12056. 

In the process, the close is below all the three top numbers - 12103,12138, 12158.

As long as nifty and bank nifty hold 11975 and 31350, the trend is intact one should not react too much to news based moves. 

Nifty should take support at 11880-11920 range. Shorting at this level is suicidal. I expect this expiry to be negative, but a close should be between 11970-12020 is what is written on the wall.

Good Luck!

PS: Those interested in Options segment should understand the importance of numbers before taking a quick decision. You have to be more vigilant during gap up and gap down situations. Avoid chasing the price. Wait for your price. Otherwise you will pay heavy price. 

Thursday 28 November 2019


Nifty likely to continue its bullishness if it could maintain a close above 12225 on a daily basis. The target for December is around 12450, with a strong support at 11975/850.  

A close below 12100, may take nifty to the down side support levels.  

These are the broad numbers and levels. But we have already done the micro level workings and have a strategy ready for approaching Options trade during December.

We fix nifty and bank nifty levels, fix positional buy price for options- whether CE or PE. We predict the course of nifty. We find out intra day levels for nifty and bank nifty. Work out option buy prices and targets for intra day trade. 

We pick good trades. We do miss good trades, even though we predict in advance, like what happened to 12100 CE which came in to buy at 14.50. But we missed as it moved after 3.10 PM. As a trade discipline, we do not indulge in trade after 3 PM.  Our members are aware of the move and they have no regrets since we have a disciplined way of trading which we cannot dilute. 

My request to all readers is to spare some time for learning. Develop a good plan to be a successful options trader. You find a good Guru inside you or you find some good Guru whom you can rely on. 


PS: I am planning to post Thirukkural, a Sangam Literature, which talks about all subjects under the earth. We pick what is relevant to improve our market insight.  Readers who are non Tamilians, please pick English translation of Thirukkural, which is a treasure. 


Nifty monthly expiry close was very much in the expected lines. It obeyed 12100 and that was the low recorded yesterday, which I mentioned in the blog yesterday. It was hardly 60 points move that was also suggested in the message. 

Nifty has closed at all time high and the trend is intact.  There could be few dips on account of macro economic news, trade war between USA and China, worry on GDP growth, any breaking news in RBI Policy.  All these news have already been taken into account in the chart and already given us the direction for the next week, even next month in total. 

We are ready with our levels and strategies.  Are you?

It all depends on how you read the number and analyze the price action of index and its components. This blog is dedicated to price action only. We do not bother about who is holding short or long position in the market. 

I only request the blog readers to dedicate some time for a totally different approach towards market and see whether it is worth paying a price before you buy. Check price action before you buy.  Apply the same care you take when you buy grocery or vegetable. It looks simple, yet we strictly follow.  We think N times before we buy Option. The level of perception and perfection and sharpness in our levels are rocking. You must experience to have a feeling. We are not boasting. 

Good Luck!

Wednesday 27 November 2019


Nifty kicked off the trade today with a positive note, but was trading in a narrow range till 3 PM. Last 30 minutes of trade brought nifty back to day's high. Nifty closed at 12100, respecting the double top formation.

It has formed an inside bar, indicating further upside is possible only if it closes above 12132. Today 12132 in Nifty and 31975 in BN are crucial numbers to watch out. Strong support is seen at 12055/31735.

If Nifty holds 12100 till 1 PM, then we may see a new high. Let us celebrate this expiry as this is likely to close on a high note. 

Option trades are suggested to members. 

Warning: Nifty and BN are in buy and trading near ATH. Do not expect any big fall and think of PEs. Market knows when to correct and up to what level. Today's close will indicate the likely moves for the coming sessions.  


Good Day!

Tuesday 26 November 2019


Those who took the level posted on Monday could have made decent returns. Everyday one cannot expect nifty to do wonders. There is adequate liquidity in the market. Yet the moves will happen only when it is due. Market moves against the sentiment of the retailers. 

Watch my levels : 12110/31750 which are hurdles for the day. 11975 and 31375 are good supports. 

Anytime you see 11965/31250 levels getting breached, you will be butchered if you are long. Exit long and be a bear!  

Trading with above levels is like eating a peeled banana. You cannot get a better trading advise than this in any other site.

Good Luck!


Today both Nifty and Bank Nifty could create a New High. Nifty shied away from high and closed roughly 100 points down.  Bank Nifty after correcting 400 points from top, again moved up in the last 45 minutes of trade to touch 31850 and closed at 31720.    Those shorted BN thinking of making good returns out of down side move, got trapped in the last 45 minutes as the reversal was very fast to trigger the margin money on short positions.

Again we could observe nifty and BN not synchronizing till now.  Nifty is not getting any benefit out of BN move and we still find nifty below our critical level of 12050.

Out of Nifty 50, only 18 scrips closed positive and the balance 32 negative. Yet the trend is intact. The fall was with in the range and support seen at 12000. 

The weekly support lies at 11965/ 31250.  A close below these numbers indicates down trend. Will keep you updated on the levels.

Range for tomorrow - Nifty  11950-12200  BN 31300-31950.

Nifty range is getting wider. Having fulfilled the wishes of every investor by creating a new high, one should not feel disappointed now if nifty takes a breather.  

Keep your exposure mild. Expect the unexpected to happen. 

Learning is a continuous process. Keep learning everyday from market. If you do not pick a new lesson from market today, it means you are not learning, because the market you saw yesterday is not the same as today and same rule applies for tomorrow.

Good Luck!

Monday 25 November 2019


Nifty likely to attempt today to surpass the ATH 12103.  The resistance is seen at 12135-12199 range. Chasing the momentum is a high risk trade as the immediate support lies at 11950.  For bank nifty too there is a chance of crossing the previous high of 31783 with a strong support at 31325. It is a high risk trade as hardly 2 days left for this expiry.  

If everything goes well, we can expect 12199/32050 targets in this expiry  which could be minimum targets and on the maximum nifty 12310/32100.

Good Luck!

PS: Nifty has strong support but the trading range is getting wider. You may witness a big downside also to wipe off the premium. Go by support and resistance instead of chasing the momentum blindly.

This is the third consecutive month where nifty moves 250-300 points in 3-4 trading sessions. Unless you go by levels and numbers to catch the move, you will be a  simple spectator. 


Nifty crossed 11968 and it was a good rally till 12035 and after making a strong 4 hourly close nifty again swung in to action by closing above 12050.  It's a stone throw distance from ATH now. Whether we will be able to see a new high or not, only Tuesday should give the answer.

For us it was a perfect level and all the members were able to see the anticipated move.

On the whole, Nifty has brought cheers in market. Today is the step towards next good move up to 12278-402 with a strong support at 11951.

Good Luck!

Saturday 23 November 2019


Nifty has so far confined to a limited move on both  the sides, leaving the option writers in a profitable situation and all option buyers have their premium eroded roughly 65-70% if you look at the price of 11900 CE and PE traded on 1.11.19 high and close price on 22/11/19


                                 11900 CE    11900 PE
Price on  01.11.2019    214.90        203.60
Price on  22.11.2019      74.00          61.00
Erosion                        140.90        142.00
Percentage loss              65%           70%
I have opted for 11900 strike price since previous expiry as well as Friday close is near 11900. If you are curious to know the maximum move of Nifty then the answer is 135 points on either side.  How? 

Simple . Add 74 and 61 being the close price. So either we may see 12050 or 11780. (Nifty Close 11914).

This suggests that crossing ATH of 12103 in the expiry is out of question unless nifty closes above 12039/50 during next week.

Again nifty close below 11878 leads to 11780 and a close above 11966 leads to 12050. 

The price action gives you the next move and all other indicators beat around the bush. I take price action as the best indicator after all everything boils down to money finally.

Good Luck!

PS: I again reiterate option segment is not a casino. It requires deep study and good pick where you are the decider. In casino you place the bet and someone spins the coin.  Do mail me for acquiring more knowledge on options segment if you are a learner.

Friday 22 November 2019


Yesterday I have posted the chart of PE and CE to alert the retailer not to get excited and take any side with aggression. 

Nifty has not moved anywhere. From previous expiry close it is hardly 35 point up. The broader range was 11802-12038. But the most traded range was 11870-11970. The highs  and lows lived for a very short span. 

Nifty has made two attempts to surpass ATH, but mission failed and closed 100 point below on both the occasions. Now any third attempt normally should be looked upon seriously. 

If Nifty spot is able to cross 11968.40( close on 21/11/19 expiry close), then you may probably see a surge in index towards 12039.

Nifty and BN should hold 11915/30850 to remain bullish. 

If you see BN below 30850 on a daily close, then close all long position and be short. Unless BN does not give sell signal, do not initiate sell on nifty.

So far we have not taken any positional trade. Only intra day trades have been taken.  

Anyone willing to learn and make good returns and also not missing out any good moves as all numbers are scanned every hour, may mail me. You will be guided well and your trades are controlled through my remote button.

Good Luck!

Thursday 21 November 2019


Yesterday I gave a clue to my readers to see 12000 CE to get answer. Today I have posted 12000 CE and PE. Both are not showing any big up move which indicates nifty may not have any big move till this week end.

Had anyone seen the price action, they would have avoided entry into CE on expiry day and avoided losses.

We knew on 20th afternoon itself that 12000 CE is going to perish worthless. The chart indicates with clarity. You have to understand.


When I saw how nifty closed yesterday and checked the high and low made during this month, I could see Nifty confined to a range of 236 points ( Low 11802 and High 12238).  The close was 11967, more or less the mid point and it sits like a cat on the wall. A jump on either side is possible. But the overall trend is intact with a positive bias. Heavy weigh index scrips viz., Reliance, SBI, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Pharma scrips are extremely bullish. In short the index management is very well done to keep retailers guessing. 

My take on nifty is positive unless I see a weekly close below my numbers 11915/30850. Keep your hopes alive as long as these numbers are not broken and closed today.

I still remember a discussion had with my associate about Nifty crossing ATH before 15th of November and going beyond 12200.

I gave my verdict that ATH is a trump card in the hand of market movers. After seeing 1000 points rally in October, retailers were over enthusiastic and entered in to OTM options above 12k and waited for golden egg.  What I sai was, "Since they have bullish trend till Dec third week, there wont be a big hurry in surpassing the ATH, it could be only in the last week of November expiry or later".  This was a mind game which worked perfect. Still retailers are waiting for golden egg or at least an egg if not gold!

Again instead of any correction after 1000 points, nifty just halted at expiry level and made 150 points up and 70 points down. 

I am posting the chart of both 12000 CE and PE of November which gives more clarity.  In the chart both CE and PE are deviating from the weekly trend line with a wider gap. That makes neither CE nor PE to surpass the weekly line which may stretch down, yet prices are further drifting down keeping the gap wider.  

Unless Nifty makes a bottom and bounces back with 200-250 points next week, there could be nothing possible except disappointment to retailers who look at OTM CEs which are almost worthless now.

Options segment trade needs more alertness and entry only at right time, not believing in luck. I advise Options buying only after confirmation. Not based on emotions.

Please study the price action for that you dont have to have chart. An Excel is enough. 

Good Luck!

Wednesday 20 November 2019


Attention Option Traders:

Nifty has made a double top and closed below 12004. Unless 12039 is crossed convincingly, one cannot go long in CE. Targets may be 12180/400, but without confirmation of trend it could be disastrous. 

Clue for winning over the situation:

Study the 12000 CE of Nov 28/11/2019. You will get the answer. 

To be on the winning side, you must do home work, study the price action. For us it is already done and dusted. We are ready with our strategy.

Good Luck!


Nifty opened gap up and traded in the positive range through out the day. Mild dips have been bought into. During the day it has tested previous high, but shied away from closing above 12034.

The Options data suggests a range of 11950-12050 for the expiry day as it more or less looks like a consolidation day.

If Nifty is able to close above 12035, we are likely to see a new high by next week.

My monthly target for nifty is minimum 12280/12400.  Bank nifty 32200.

The Stop loss for the above target is 11878 / 30800. 

Good Luck!

Tuesday 19 November 2019


This November month has been very peculiar where neither bull nor bear could benefit for the past 12 sessions as most of the days it closed very near to previous month expiry figure. Neither Bulls could take the market forward nor the bears pull it down.  It was a tough see-saw struggle.  With just 7 trading days to end this expiry it is very important to know the ups and downs possible.

The key numbers to be crossed to start a fresh rally is 11973.70 and 12034.20. On the downside, previous expiry close 11878 has to be broken to open the gate for down side up to 11703.  So far nifty has fallen just 76 points in this month from its previous close of 11878 to 11802.  Any dip towards 11850/703 cannot be ruled out before starting a fresh rally to cover the short position. The FPIs have gone short in Index futures and it was open till last Friday amounting to 42158 contracts.

If nifty closes above 12035 by this week end, then one should close all shorts and go for long for target of 12200/12402/478.

The index position is interestingly poised, always keeping the fingers crossed with regard to the move. 

ALERT: It has been observed that some big moves are happening after 3 PM, exactly at 3.10 Pm taking the index to the opposite direction.  Do not participate in such rallies as you are bound to lose premium due to adjustment in settlement price which is lower/higher than last traded price and secondly erosion of premium if nifty opens gap down or gap up.  Keeping index in 30 points range for 6 hours and moving 60 points up or down is trick played to extract money from you by compelling you  to enter in to trade unless you maintain a discipline of making use of such move with 25-30% profit target with no carry over.

Good Luck!

PS: One may reach me on for trade in option segment where technical skills are taught while you earn.  


Nifty opened gap up and most of the time traded with in a limited range of 50 points. Last 15 minutes of trade witnessed a good up move in nifty pushing the same above our buy level of 11936. Having aligned with Bank Nifty, now Nifty should start its move towards 11975/12035/12103.  

One can go long in nifty with a SL at 11878 for minimum target of 12200.

Bank Nifty likely to touch 32300 with a SL at 30800.  

We are ready with positional trade with buy levels, and targets ready on hand...

Good Luck!

Monday 18 November 2019


The week opened with a mild gap up, then came down below 11900 and was trading below previous day close most of the time and ended with -10 points. More exhaustion is seen and there is no conviction at higher level. 

Either Nifty should cross 12100 to register a fresh high or consolidate for some more time with a healthy correction where it can take support around 11690 or 11515. 

We must wait and watch as we are left with only 8 trading sessions for November Expiry.

Hope everyone would have enjoyed trading with my levels and prices posted today. I wish everyone to do home work and then start trading. 

Good Luck!


I have posted today's level and option price which is our style of doing options trade. 11950 CE reached our buy price around 33 and hit 45, in spite of nifty moving in a narrow range. During days of high volatility you will find all targets getting hit. 

Today's posting was a live demo for you to experience. Hope those who took the trade made 35% profit.  

Few persons do not believe in screen shot of trade. For them today's level and trade is the acid test.

Good Luck!

Sunday 17 November 2019


Nifty and BN are moving in a very narrow range. As such it is a wait and watch game. Trend is not set in for either side.


My previous post was all about option segment and to go by levels.  I am giving below my daily approach to options trade as per level in index and buy level of selected strike prices.

One must watch the index and its support and resistance which has a direct connection to the strike prices and also likely buy prices based on index levels.

The support and resistance for the day is as below:

                   RESISTANCE / SUPPORT
                                                   NIFTY                                     BK NIFTY
R4      12,008
R3      11,974
R2      11,961
R1      11,902
S3      11,879
S2      11,845

    11,896        31,008
Based on the above support and resistances, I arrive at buy prices of nearest CE and PE with targets, which is handy for retailers to wait for price and targets.

I select 8-10 strike prices of current week as well as next week for retailers to pick the one depending on their risk appetite.  Today's prices are given below for your observation.

The point I want to drive is nothing comes by luck. You must do proper home work if you want to be a winner.

Add caption

Saturday 16 November 2019


The chart clearly says that the gate for the downside move has opened up for nifty and it is just waiting for Bank Nifty to join the party. It could be anytime during next week. News may follow but chart has already indicated the fall.  I never go by news. For me the price action and chart that matters.

The quantum of fall and rise is already predetermined and the moves are written on the wall.  No  good / bad news can deter the moves of indices.  Poor IIP data, Worst year to year core sector output, higher inflation, Real estate still not picking up, new bank scam.... bla ...bla... you name anything. Market does not bother about all these things. 

My advise to retailers : 


Half knowledge, taking views from forums, believing the words of so called experts who appear on TV, not doing any home work before picking trade lead to not only capital erosion, it also wipes off your confidence level with mind filled with fear. 

Most of the option players are still believing that options trade is a luck. I do not believe in that. It is purely technical as well as mind game. 

The big fishes are successful because they know how your mind functions. Now you should do the same to win over the situation and make profits.  I hear true stories of people losing lakhs and crores of rupees in market without understanding the technical and falling into the trap. 

The reason for failure is they do not know when not to trade.  They pick trade when nifty travels in no trade zone.  I inform no trade zone to my members every day and ask them not to pick any trade giving the levels and numbers. 

Secondly they lack technical knowledge and exact buy levels.  I give the perfect intra day levels and the best buy price with strict SL and targets for the day. In options you must plan all these numbers before you enter market.  You may or may not be aware that operators do their trade through Algo, where they keep all orders of buy and sell which goes on and on during the day. They fix the top and bottom numbers on index for buy and sell where as most of the retailers do not have any idea of top and bottom.  But I give these to my members for index as well as option strike prices Ce and PE. When big operators have set a mode for trade we should also follow such a path. Every move in market is well planned and executed by market movers. Keeping index in tight range for 4 hours and suddenly moving up or down by 100+/- means big muscle power by big operators. They read your mind and execute the game perfectly. You must read this paragraph "N" times to understand and realize the fact of the matter. 

My wish is be a good learner, planner, set your daily goals, protect well and money will follow you.

One may reach me on for trade in options segment. 

Good Luck!

Good Luck!


CE or PE

The chart says PE.  See to believe. Last week chart whispered no big down side move. But this week PE sits pretty on the buy side. Any upside move is a distraction. We know the buy price with targets 1-2-3. SL is a mere formality as it wont hit. 

Friday 15 November 2019


last week nifty range was the narrowest experienced in the past 6 months, where the intra day moves were just 40 points.

The most interesting part is nifty moved up or down by 50+ points exactly at 3.10 PM.  This is a new mind game adopted where the retailers have to exit the position with loss whether it is CE or PE. Shorts are taken to task in the last 15 minutes leaving them to square off the position with loss.  

Be very alert in using SL to avoid huge losses.


Last week  I have very clearly indicated the investors not to expect a big fall after reading the chart. 36 scrips out of 50 have already gone in to bearish mode as the next week opens.  Bank Nifty is holding up due to HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank moves. 

Nifty is on sell on rise mode while BN likely to take one more session to enter into bearish mode.

Range for last week was absolutely perfect with 11800 being protected. Check my previous posts.

This week range Nifty 11750-12025   Bn 31483-30079.

Best trade of the week screen shot has been posted.  Once the levels are known, prices are available and SL and targets are given it becomes easy to enter in to options trade. 


We do not chase momentum. We do not get worried about gap up and gap down situations. We take trade only when we feel price and targets looks achievable. We try to make every trade successful.

Good Luck!       
                                                 las vegas casino GIF

Monday 11 November 2019


I have clearly stated that there is no steep fall in this week.  Those waiting for nifty to fall and holding PE must have really got frustrated when at 3.10 PM nifty moved up by 40 points and eroded all the PEs.  

The chart shows the nifty move very clearly.  You can again see the posting and chart.  

Today 11900 CE came in to buy in the first 5 minutes and the trade has been posted.  

Market should correct only at the time it wants to.  I will not miss that and give a prior alert to my members because during fall money pours like a torrential rain while in up move it just rains. 

Weekly range of nifty and bank nifty  is already posted.

Good Luck!

Sunday 10 November 2019




Saturday 9 November 2019


Nifty likely to be range bound during the next week with upper limit of 12035 having capped, it is likely to trade in a range of 11750 to 12035.  You can see nifty trading above weekly support level by 200 points and well above monthly support line.  This means range bound action. The chart is crystal clear.  See to believe it.


Friday 8 November 2019


Many of my members know that I have told them strictly not to carry over options and it is an intra day game only.  

If that is the case then why I suggest positional trade in options?  After taking into account several factors, I find out the positional buy price for few strike prices which are affordable and make 5 times returns.  

This calculation is linked with nifty move on a top out or bottom out situation. The price level rocks, with no SL hitting and smooth sail for targets up to 5 times which is mind blowing. 

Last month 11600 CE was suggested at 43 with SL 37 it hit target 300.  In September 10800 Ce suggested at 45 with Sl 40 . SL did not hit and it went up to 800.

This month I have already picked few strike prices and gave the buy prices and our members are waiting for an entry. For us market direction does not matter. 

Honey! I blew the Options!


Our last week nifty range of higher side 12050 was perfect as Nifty could scale up to 12034 and there is pause in the momentum.  There is no confirmation of reversal in any of the indicators in the chart, as bank nifty is still holding the numbers and closed 400 above previous week close. In this kind of situation one must see both the index and confirm the trend. Unless 11840 is broken on a daily basis, question of shorting does not arise.  The upper side is capped at 12035. Any long position should be protected with strict SL.  

Range for next week : Nifty 11800-12100  BN 29800-31500.

11840/30030 are the key numbers to decide the move for nifty and bank nifty. Close your long position if a daily close happens below these numbers and go for short.

Good Luck!

PS:  As per the feed back I get from the new members, most of them have given a clear verdict that they have stopped wrong trades, wait for our buy prices and it works perfect. They have accepted the fact that they have been trading without knowing levels and correct buy prices. My levels are an eye opener to them. 

The funniest part is some of my members are shop owners and truck drivers. They are able to make profit with my suggestions as they follow the trade discipline. People with half knowledge tend to lose money once they start deviating from the trade rules set.

Thursday 7 November 2019


Nifty today has moved above 12k and closed near day high thereby keeping the momentum alive. Now Nifty has to surpass 12040/12052 on a daily close basis to clinch 12196/12313 from where we can expect profit booking and a meaningful correction up to 11900/890.  

The low of 12850/30010 made on 6th November likely to act as a strong support for Nifty/ BN.

The rally likely to continue its northward journey and once nifty stabilizes above 12k for a week, then we may expect a huge volatility in index with an intra day range of 250 points between high and low. The main trend remains intact till we see meaningful correction. 

Today's range in Nifty - 11925-12050.   BN 30350-30950.

Good Luck!

Wednesday 6 November 2019


Trading in Option segment requires strategy. It is not like Future segment. I have taken up the most risky segment and give the buy levels and targets which rocks.

In future segment, you wont be fighting against time element where as in Options segment, lapse of every day makes options lose the premium.  The option writers are always having upper hand and the buyers have to either book loss or keep waiting for the fortune.

We follow the discipline strictly:

We are not disturbed by gap up or gap down scenario which creates greed in the mind of retailers

We avoid trade in the first 15 minutes and we may even extend to one hour. But most of the times we buy only when our buy price triggers in the options.  Earlier our members used to lose patience thinking that going by swing is the best way to make money. But now they know the power of patience and they do not disobey the buy price recommended and obey the SL. 

No erratic and emotional trades are suggested. 

I do not claim any one to become a millionaire overnight. But all I can say is that my trades are very powerful so that one can easily make good returns in a month if they follow the levels.

All my numbers and levels are so accurate on intra day and month to month basis. Only persons with such a mind set stated above should join as a member. Non greedy, keen to learn are the prerequisites.  

I do not monitor your progress. You must see your progress after following me. No false hopes. No promises. It is only an advise and suggestion to you to how to trade, how to avoid loss, how to follow numbers.  


Good Luck!


Nifty traded with in the range of 11825-12015 yesterday.  Bank Nifty also strictly obeyed the range and finally closed below 11983 which is a stiff resistance zone in the coming sessions.

Today's range Nifty 11800-12050  BN 29800- 30900

Trade with caution as I find most of the Nifty 50 Scrips are turning bearish. 

Our members are already ready with buy prices in option segment. Whichever side nifty travels, we have least botheration, we sail smoothly.

Good Luck!

TRADE ON 6.11.2019


11900 CE ROCKED...



Monday 4 November 2019


We have already indicated that rally in nifty could continue. Nifty has almost topped out at 11998 but the downside looks very limited. As long as 11772 is held, there is nothing negative.

Friday 1 November 2019


The month end 12000 PE indicates a clear break down even on day 1 of November 2019, the first day of November expiry.  You can see to believe it..  Any downside is buy on dips next week. Trade with caution as the rally could continue. 

Do not buy PE now and wait for a meaningful reversal.


Nifty has closed positive on a weekly basis, but on Friday it has negated higher high and higher low formation thereby indicating some exhaustion.  But the overall trend is intact and remains positive.  As we glance through nifty 50 scrips, we observe 33 scrips are in bull's grip and 17 scrips are bearish. The 33 scrips are amounting to more than 75% of index weight.  

Bank Nifty stole the limelight on Friday by closing 250 points over previous day, yet Nifty has not taken any benefit out of BN move and was trading below previous day close most of the time and rose by 13 points by the end of the day.  

We expect Nifty also to outperform during next week. Immediate resistance is seen at 11945/11998. One can go long in futures keeping 11843 as Stop loss for these targets. 

On Bank Nifty, already the bull run has started. 30650 should be the immediate target. 

Range for next week - Nifty 11675-12050  Bank Nifty  29600-30750.

Good Luck! 


I am releasing the chart of 11600 CE for which buy was given at 43.50 and low was 42.70. You all know this Ce touched 300 almost.

We do not want to miss out such awesome trades. One must see to believe the price action and our pick JIT ( Just in Time).