Thursday 28 November 2019


Nifty likely to continue its bullishness if it could maintain a close above 12225 on a daily basis. The target for December is around 12450, with a strong support at 11975/850.  

A close below 12100, may take nifty to the down side support levels.  

These are the broad numbers and levels. But we have already done the micro level workings and have a strategy ready for approaching Options trade during December.

We fix nifty and bank nifty levels, fix positional buy price for options- whether CE or PE. We predict the course of nifty. We find out intra day levels for nifty and bank nifty. Work out option buy prices and targets for intra day trade. 

We pick good trades. We do miss good trades, even though we predict in advance, like what happened to 12100 CE which came in to buy at 14.50. But we missed as it moved after 3.10 PM. As a trade discipline, we do not indulge in trade after 3 PM.  Our members are aware of the move and they have no regrets since we have a disciplined way of trading which we cannot dilute. 

My request to all readers is to spare some time for learning. Develop a good plan to be a successful options trader. You find a good Guru inside you or you find some good Guru whom you can rely on. 


PS: I am planning to post Thirukkural, a Sangam Literature, which talks about all subjects under the earth. We pick what is relevant to improve our market insight.  Readers who are non Tamilians, please pick English translation of Thirukkural, which is a treasure. 

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